First things first.
Penny Sue is not my real name.
Penny Sue is not my real name.
Well let me clarify. It was for a few weeks.
At the age of five I insisted that my parents call me Penny Sue. I have absolutely no recollection of how I landed on that name in particular. What ever the reason I was rather insistent about the whole thing and my parents were kind enough to oblige. A while later I was over it and went back to being Erin. It was however the start of my over active imagination which for the most part has served me well.
When it came time to find a name for my creative alter ego (my real job involves a lot of numbers and taxes) Penny Sue seemed like the perfect fit.
Just a few things about me...
I heart
good books on rainy days
good books on sunny days
cups of coffee that are more like cups of creamer with a dash of coffee
sunday walks with my husband
snuggles with my kiddo
pushing my kiddo on a swing
snuggles with my kiddo
pushing my kiddo on a swing
playing in the sunshine
floating in warm salt water
cupcakes loaded with frosting
sour cream & onion potato chips
sappy romantic comedies
gap long and lean jeans
a new pair of running shoes
planning vacations
taking vacations
puppies who listen
puppies who snuggle
fresh butter lettuce right out of my garden
california poppies
roller coasters
Things I don't heart so much
months and months of gray skies
cold weather
runny noses
brussel sprouts
okay, most vegetables
mean people
emptying the dishwasher