What do you do when life hands you lemons? Make lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Duh!
I'm turning 34 today. That puts me in my mid-thirties (thus the lemons). Mid-thirties? What that? That's ridiculous! How did that happen?? Where has the time gone??
I could spend plenty of time whining about how old I'm getting,
but in reality I don't feel that old right now (it could be the caffeine). Ask me how I feel
after a night up with the new puppy and you will probably get a
different opinion, but for right now, right this very moment I'm feeling
pretty spring chicken like.
What does that have to do with this blog? Glad you asked.
You see Penny Sue Projects is my super duper awesome birthday present to myself.
It's my little creative outlet and I'm relaunching it today. It is my
goal to have fun here while sharing some of my projects. Maybe someday it will become more than just my creative outlet. I'm just putting that thought out in the universe...Universe are you listening? Maybe it will always be just me, my blog, and my projects. Either way it's meant to be fun.
For now I'm going to enjoy my lemon cupcake. Check back shortly for some of my projects and feel free to share with others.
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